This Maharani Cave found by 4 labourers who being led by Mr. Sugeng. This cave had found on 6 Augusts 1992. The name of this cave had selected by the situation of the beautiful cave like a palace from a beautiful queen. Before the invention, one of the members, had dream, she had met with a beautiful woman who had a beautiful as the property of a queen that called Maharani. The queen seems to be a head time door of the cave that had found. The name of this empress has specified by the fact of this cave condition. In platform of the cave named Paseban Maharani, there is stone which has crown form, the property of a queen, which named “Selo Mahkota Maharani”. This beautiful cave room also alike an empire palace of subterranean that is full of graven pillar and roof.
The situation of the nature cave of Maharani Palace is stay at 200 m from Java seashore residing in Tanjung Kodok area, Paciran district, Lamongan regency. This cave is easily to visit and fluent to obtain the transportation towards to the location.