Malang regency is bordered by Blitar and Kediri Regencies on the West; Jombang, Mojokerto and Pasuruan Regencies on the North; Probolinggo and Lumajang Regencies on the East and Indian Ocean on the South.

Then the foreign tourists are commonly interesting to Malang's temples that save the historical value of the past Kingdom in Malang regency, they are; Singosari temple, Jago temple, Kidal temple, etc. Beside that, Malang still has a lot of tourism objects that will attract you to visit it. Coban Rondo waterfall, Wonosari tea plantation, Wendit pool, mount Kawi, mount Bromo panorama, Coban Pelangi waterfall, Karangkates recreation park, and the others, are Malang's interesting places that presents their nature scenery.
Also visit Malang City Tour that offers its interesting places such as; City Hall, Monument Juang'45, bird and flowers market, senaputra park, kayu tangan complex, City Square, Senaputra Park, etc.
Malang Regency